Casian Sala

Managing Director


Casian Sala has been with Legastat for over twenty years, working in all production departments before joining the management team. During the last fifteen years, he has guided the business transition from paper to electronic services, adding forensics, electronic disclosure, document & DSAR review and paralegal support to the legal reprographics.

After reading law abroad and graduating with a First, Casian completed a Master’s degree in Business Management at Westminster University and further studies with ACT, the Association of Corporate Treasurers.

With multiple edisclosure courses under his belt, Casian spends a lot of time advising clients, blending his legal process knowledge with the technology and commercial awareness acquired through studying and work experience.

During the last six years, Casian has been the chair of trustees for a medium-sized UK charity. This voluntary role offered exposure to charity law, compliance, property and safeguarding matters.

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