Where Time Recording Falls Down (and how to pick it back up)

Every minute spent on a case needs to be accurately recorded and billed to ensure that law firms can operate efficiently and sustainably. However, despite the importance of time recording, 61% of firms struggle with the capture of billable hours, which can lead to missed or incorrectly logged hours. Let’s explore some common challenges and strategies to overcome them.

Delayed time entry

One of the primary pitfalls in time recording is delaying the entry of billable hours until the end of the day or even later. When legal professionals wait too long to record their time, they rely on memory, which is notoriously fallible and worryingly on average, fee earners miss one hour of billable time every day. Additionally, the longer the delay, the more likely it is for tasks and activities to be forgotten or inaccurately documented.

Implement time recording software that is intuitive and easy to use, allowing lawyers to log their billable hours as they work on tasks throughout the day. Mobile apps or browser extensions can enable lawyers to record time even when they are away from their desks, ensuring that no billable minute goes unaccounted for.


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