The Challenges Law Firms Face When Attracting Talent

The legal market is currently in the midst of a talent shortage and competition for the best talent has hardly been higher. Even with wage increases and senior role offerings to attract these lawyers, many firms continue to struggle with attracting and retaining talent.

This not only has an impact on the ability to have the best people for your business, but the amount of time it takes to replace a lawyer and have them fully functioning within a role is pushing close to half a year, which is incredibly disruptive and heavily impacts against performance targets.

In this blog, we’ll highlight a few of the challenges law firms need to have a strategy for when considering talent retention and attraction.

“Can I work from home?”

A question that was seldom asked before 2020, but the tide towards flexible working has not abated since. Even with half of law firms calling for more days in the office, law firms will need to be able to offer some flexibility and show some trust and empowerment in allowing staff to be able to work in ways that suit them and are most productive.

Embracing flexible working arrangements, whether through remote work options or alternative scheduling models, can significantly enhance a firm’s attractiveness to top talent. Our Legal Sector Trends Report shows that law firm employees are now working an average 3.2 days a week in the office with the rest of their time spent working remotely, either from home, court, a client’s offices or even while travelling.

Utilising infrastructure and technology that allows for this flexibility will allow you to not only embrace flexibility, but also improve collaboration and productivity. By looking at the processes and infrastructure available – you are not only improving your chances with flexibility, but also by having an operation that helps staff reach their targets more easily.

Furthermore, the traditional notion of work-life balance is evolving into a more holistic concept of work-life integration. Candidates are increasingly seeking opportunities where they can pursue their passions and interests both inside and outside the office. Law firms that support employees’ personal pursuits, whether through wellness programs, community involvement initiatives, or flexible time-off policies, demonstrate a commitment to staff well-being, thereby enhancing their appeal to prospective talent.


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