LegalRM Webinar series: information Governance for AI / Ai for Information Governance

LegalRM, the makers of the iCompli Information Governance platform, proudly announces a series of 3 webinars discussing the strong link between AI and information governance.


During this ILTA webinar series, Chris Giles, CEO at LegalRM, will discuss the key reasons why law firms must prioritize the robust management of information assets and the cultivation of accurate and accessible data to ensure a seamless and prosperous AI journey.

He will then go on to explore how AI will play a pivotal role in enhancing and streamlining data privacy and information governance processes and enable firms to gain a competitive edge in an increasingly data-driven environment.

In the final session Chris will demonstrate how the iCompli information governance platform can play a pivotal role in cultivating accurate and accessible data, ensuring a seamless and prosperous journey into the realm of AI.

ILTA Masterclass: Unlocking AI success through a strong information governance framework

ILTA Masterclass: Leveraging AI for information governance

ILTA Product Briefing: Empowering AI success through advanced information governance technology


These sessions are a must-attend event for legal professionals, IT experts, and anyone involved in information governance and AI strategy, and you can register by clicking on the individual titles above or by clicking here. If you can’t attend live you can still register, and you will be sent a link to view the session at a more convenient time.


Reserve your pass today at Europe’s leading legal technology conference and exhibition.