Data Migration Planning – The Ultimate Guide

Innovation, modernisation and digitalisation are constants in the world of business. The goals of increasing efficiency, productivity and profitability underpin these business objectives.

As companies worldwide continue their path towards digitalisation, many have data migrations at the top of their priority list.

No two data migration projects are identical, as companies have varying requirements and existing data architectures. Knowing the right data migration approach for your business and investing the time to ensure you have implemented it correctly is crucial for success.

This blog examines the following:

  • Different types of data migration plans
  • How to successfully implement a changeover
  • Important things to consider on your journey

With nearly two decades of successful migration projects under its belt, Transvault understands the complex challenges businesses face when undertaking these types of tasks. This ultimate guide to data migration will help you through the process and ensure you’ve checked all the boxes.

Navigating our data migration planning guide

It’s important to be fully prepared for a data migration project and that’s why our guide is comprehensive. In order to best navigate it, click on the below links to jump to the most relevant section:

  • Why migrate data and the benefits
  • When to migrate data
  • Types of data migration project
  • Data migration approaches & strategies
  • Data migration key considerations
  • Data migration roles and responsibilities
  • Data migration software
  • Data migration best practices

Why should I migrate my data?

Depending on business objectives, the reasons for data migration vary. Some of the most frequently cited reasons include:

  • Digital transformations – Cloud migration
  • Mergers and acquisitions
  • Replacing or updating outdated or legacy software, hardware and applications
  • Centralising data for organisation-wide use
  • Regulatory compliance
  • Enhanced performance and processing speeds
  • Cost efficiency
  • Business process changes
  • Data volume growth
  • Easier scalability
  • Sustainability initiatives

No matter the reasoning behind a data migration project, it’s essential that the process is smooth and the solution is fit for purpose.

Data migrations as part of digital transformation

The world is increasingly digital, and digital transformations happen rapidly in today’s fast-paced business environment.

Part of digital transformation is adopting new and emerging technologies and optimising existing business processes and systems. Data migrations are a vital component of this process.

How does data migration help support digital transformations?

  • Optimised data quality
    Data migrations enable businesses to cleanse existing data. It helps maintain integrity, improves data quality and accuracy and aids in decision-making. Also, by cleansing their data before migration, organisations can significantly reduce the overall cost of their digital transformation by only moving the data they need to in order to remain compliant.
  • Faster technology adoption
    Data migration assists in the adoption of emerging technologies by enabling companies to take advantage of new platforms without the risk of losing data, historical analytics, or insights.
  • Cost efficiency
    Rising costs, supply chain disruptions and soaring interest rates have businesses scrutinising every cent they spend. Outdated legacy systems and inefficient processes can increase costs significantly. Migrating to private or public clouds or new platforms and technologies improves efficiency and decreases overheads.
  • Improved security
    Data protection is a global concern, and securing your data is paramount. Data migration projects enable security upgrades and help protect against rising cybersecurity threats.
  • Enhanced performance
    Better performance means increased efficiency and profitability. Moving to new platforms can help enhance business system and application performance, facilitating enhanced user experience and streamlined growth.
  • Achieve data compliance
    Compliance with data protection laws, such as GDPR, is necessary for any organisation that collects, processes, or stores personal data. By migrating data to compliant platforms, companies can ensure that they are adhering to data protection regulations and avoiding potential legal liabilities and financial penalties.

Data Migrations in Mergers and Acquisitions (M&As), and Divestitures

Data migration can play a crucial role in M&As by facilitating the integration of two separate entities into one cohesive organisation, or vice versa for divestitures. Often, the main objective of an M&A is growth.

Here are a few ways in which a data migration project can help facilitate this:

Consolidation of data
During M&A, the two companies may have different systems and data structures. A data migration project can consolidate the data from both businesses into a single system, creating a unified view of organisational data.

Efficient data management
By consolidating data, migration can streamline the data management process. It reduces the risk of errors and makes accessing and analysing the data easier.

Cost savings
Data migration can help reduce costs associated with maintaining multiple data systems. Data consolidation enables organisations to reduce the number of licences, maintenance costs and resources required to manage data.

Improved decision making
A data migration project gives decision-makers a comprehensive view of combined organisational data. It improves decision-making by delivering better operational insights.

Smoother transition
A data migration project helps ensure a smooth transition between the merging companies. Employees can quickly become familiar with new systems and processes by providing a unified view of organisational data.

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